Friday, June 10, 2011

A Day in the Life of Ginny

Ginny likes to rise and shine long before her parents are ready. Especially since Todd is working swing shift and getting home around midnight, his mornings are a little slow going. However, she shows no mercy...

And speaking of getting out of bed... our new quilt is finally finished! We started it back in August, and had it pieced about two months ago, but just finally got it back from the quilt store. We are strictly a sewing-in-a-straight line kind of skill set around here, and leave the fancy finish work for the professionals.

After breakfast, it's time for a little stretching and exercise for the baby. In the last few weeks she's started to figure out that she has all these muscles in her face, and is exploring how to use them. Our new form of entertainment is just watching her wiggle around and make faces (particularly hilarious while she's trying to poop. It's like a full body experience for her).

We usually head out for some type of adventure- maybe a trip to the grocery store and walk, or a cruise down through the marina to go boat shopping (well, boat shopping in our dreams- there's some sweet boats for sale, and if we ever rob a bank, we'll know where to spend some of the dough :) Ginny usually is pretty happy in her car seat. On a good day, she even naps.

Ginny loves to hang out on Todd's chest, and he's figured out how to hold his Playstation control so he can race in Gran Turismo while she naps. Win, win! And that means I can even sneak off to take a shower, so win, win, win!

Mail call! Ginny's birth certificate showed up in the mail this week. Now that they know we have her, I guess we'll have to keep her around to avoid pesky questions :)

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable. I want to spend the day with Ginny. She is the best little baby ever.
